Interpretation of Lao-zi with ZHANG Kai's Illustration 正解老子汪致正 译注 张凯 创绘 By Wang Zhizheng, Zhang Kai Introduction: This book is the special edition of WANG Zhizheng's Interpretation of Lao-zi. "Lao-zi" is a book of the ...2019-05-29
Series of Chinese Historical Travel Guide 《中国历史旅行指南》系列手绘插图版解读中国重点朝代历史 The history of China's key dynasties interpreted by hand-drawn illustrations 本丛书共有 4 本,写法轻松、幽默,是中国历史 普及读物,以带读者去中国历史上的汉朝、唐朝、宋朝、 清朝“旅行”的新颖视角,让读者了解当时的衣食住行、 科技文化、社会娱乐,并...2019-05-29
Xu Beihong’s Painting Biography 徐悲鸿画传徐冀 著 By Zhang Qiqun 图片和彩插由徐悲鸿家族授权使用,有关徐悲鸿的旧 照属于首次公开 The pictures and color plugs are authorized by the Xu Beihong family. It is the first time that the old photographs about Xu ...2019-05-29
The Character of China 中国的品格楼宇烈 著 By Lou Yulie Award: Lists on Excellent Traditional Culture Bibliography recommendation by The State Administration of Radio Film and Television; Lists on Chinese Annual &n...2019-05-29
The Great Song of the Snowland: Tibet from 1949 — 1960 雪域长歌:西藏 1949-1960雪域长歌:西藏 1949-1960 张小康 著 By Zhang Xiaokang 10 times reprints(Chinese version) and was awarded the 2014 Chinese books, 50 Public Favorites Books of 2014, boarded at the Amazon Chi...2019-05-29