The first complete English translation of Brush Talks from Dream Brook Being selected by Library of Chinese Classics
This is the first complete English translation of Brush Talks from Dream Brook. Brush Talks from Dream Brook was called "a landmark in the history ofscience in China."by Joseph Needham (1900-95), famous preeminent authority on the history of Chinese science. This encyclopedic book is composed of 609 jottings and is further classified into 17 parts covering a wide area such as official decrees and regulations, finance, military affairs, diplomacy, history, archaeology, literature, art, science and technology. Many of the scientific achievements recorded in the book reached the highest level of the then world. Brush Talks from Dream Brook has great scientific influence around the world. In early 19th century, Japan has published it while in 20th more than 8 countries in Europe has translated it into their language and did deep research into Chinese culture base on the masterpiece.
Shen Kuo (1031-95) ,the prominet Scholar-statesman in Northern Song Dynasty, Chinese translated into Modern Chinese by Hu Daojing, the most authoritative researcher of Brush Talks from Dream Brook, Englishtranslated by Wang Hong, president of Foreign language school of Suzhou University.
EXTENT: 1065 Pages
FORMAT: 160 x 240mm
ISBN: 978-7-220- 07741-8
List Price: 198 RMB (2 volumes)
RIGHTS HELD: World. All Languages
RIGHTS SOLD: English (United Kimdom)