Forgiveness and Reconciliation 羞耻帖安昌河 著By An Changhe 中国版《百年孤独》, 一部追求人性的宽容与和解的作品 A Chinese writer's Sincere Tribute to Garcia Marquez's Cien Anos De SoledadIntroduction: This book is the author AN Changhe's...2019-06-03
The Last Bow of Firenz佛罗伦萨的最后致意陈唐 著By Chen Tang 充满意大利风情的历史文化悬疑题材,致敬《达 • 芬 奇密码》、媲美《盗墓笔记》的新作 A new history and culture suspense work can be comparable to The Graver Robber's Chronicles! A Chinese-Italian writer...2019-06-03
The Guarding of That Man 第三世界英布草心 著 By Yingbu Caoxin 彝族魔幻史诗长篇小说, 首现恢弘壮阔的彝族土王成长史 A novel of fantasy, magnificent epic about the King's growth history of Yi (Yi, a minority which is most famo...2019-06-03
Jinling Childe 金陵公子【美】 海云 著By Nina Dai Tang 海外华人女作家海云深情讲述古城旧都公子——旧时 代的一个“富二代”为情所困,颠沛流离、不尽如意的 一生 To be trapped in love, to be displaced and not to be satisfied Introduction: During the Anti-Japanese...2019-06-03
Science Popularization Works of Ye Yonglie 叶永烈科普全集叶永烈 著By Ye Yonglie 中国少年科普第一人叶永烈亲自授权 科普文学创作最完整汇集 中国小学生必读图书之一It is personally authorized by Ye Yonglie, the pioneer of Chinese juvenile science The most complete collection of popular science lite...2019-06-03